Continuing a longstanding partnership, the Florida Division of Emergency Management works with the ten Regional Planning Councils to update the Statewide Regional Evacuation Study. FL_SREvacuationStudyProgramWith funding allocated from the State Legislature, regional planning council staff coordinates with local Emergency Management Directors, the Florida Department of Transportation, the National Hurricane Center and others to update components of the Study including the Behavioral Analysis, Shelter Inventory, Storm Surge Analysis and Demographic Data.

The Storm Surge Analysis provides data to local emergency management officials to validate and update regional evacuation zones. Data from the Study is used to model specific information such as evacuation clearance times, vulnerable populations and local shelter demand. This gives Emergency Managers needed information to make evacuation decisions in preparation for disasters. The Division of Emergency Management is maintaining the Regional Evacuation Study online at:

Executive Summary

The Florida Division of Emergency Management, Department of Community Affairs Division of Community Planning and Department of Transportation in coordination with the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council developed the Statewide Regional Evacuation Study for the Southwest Florida Region. This report updates the region’s evacuation population estimates, evacuation clearance times and public shelter demand. The study covers Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry Lee and Sarasota Counties and their municipalities.

2020 Update

Kickoff Meeting:

Date Agenda Minutes Meeting Video
09/14/20 Agenda Minutes Meeting Video

Document Resources

GIS Database Download

The Emergency Management Tool Kit includes locally-selected data pertinent to the county emergency management agency. It is meant to be used as a quick reference guide for operations. The Toolkit is For Official Use Only and is not available on this website for public download.

The Storm Tide Atlas provides the storm tide boundaries based on the new SLOSH Analysis including the boundaries of the Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA). It is provided in several formats including GIS files, PDF files and printed copy. There is one Book for each county in the region which has a potential for storm tide flooding.

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